Your goal now, before a fire happens, is to make your home or business and the surrounding area, more resistant to catching fire and burning. This means reducing the amount of material that can burn easily in and around your home or business by clearing away debris and other flammable materials, and using fire-resistant materials for landscaping and construction.
Let Inferno Guard update your home and property with the latest in fire protection products and defensible space services to ensure the security of your home and property!

Below are the three essential steps that have allowed our customer's homes to stand after being confronted by wildfire.
Assessment Report
Assessment of hazards with a detailed report of findings and recommended solutions with a customized plan of action.
Fuel Reduction & Modification
Reduction of vegetation and fuel load around the home to lessen the threat of wildfire.
Installing construction materials that can help your home withstand flying embers which can result in your house catching fire.

"I have been a client of Jake Songer’s for many years, and he was an obvious choice when I was making the decision to hire someone to do defensible space work on my properties on Dry Creek and Redwood Roads. Jake had always provided valuable advice and guidance regarding the most appropriate preventative efforts that could be undertaken to protect my property investments. My decision proved to be a smart one when the October 2017 fire storms ravaged Napa and Sonoma Counties. My properties were located in two of the most vulnerable areas and the threat to them was very real. It was heartbreaking to watch so many residents lose their homes, including three of my nearby neighbors on Dry Creek and Wall Roads and other neighbors along Redwood Road. I was very thankful to find that my home on Dry Creek and my recreational structure on Redwood Road were not touched by the fires, and this was more than likely a result of having hired Jake to create areas of defensible space around these structures. Had Jake and his team at Inferno Guard not been so knowledgeable and diligent in their work, I almost certainly would have suffered great losses. On the basis of this experience, I strongly suggest that everyone who lives or owns property in a wildland-urban interface zone seriously consider having the defensibility against wild fire of their property and improvements evaluated. And, I can highly recommend Jake and Inferno Guard for defensible space work—one cannot find a more qualified professional than Jake is or a work ethic that is better than his".
By William G. // Napa Resident & Property Owner // Professor Emeritus, Engineering // University of California, Davis"We have used the services of Jake and his team at Inferno Guard for over ten years. He has provided a tremendous service of ensuring our property of 17 acres is well-maintained. He is responsive, reliable, and sensitive to our needs; especially our priority of tree preservation and balancing safety with esthetics. Jake will always be that very special person, as on the night of the October 8, 2018, unknowing to us, he drove to our unoccupied home and single-handedly saved our rural, tree-surrounded home from its demise. Most other neighbors lost their homes. As a former wild lands firefighter, he knew exactly what how to prepare for the advancing flames. We are forever grateful. He is our hero. We highly recommend him to anyone who desires to prepare their property in advance of a wild fire, or tree work in general."